Witchcraft Spring Pathwork Planning and Art Share

Witchcraft Spring Pathwork Planning and Art Share

Mel on May 10th 2022

Spring energy I am working with this year: Emergence, Transformation, and Evolution.

Examples: Sprouting buds using their stored energy to come into bloom.
A caterpillar transforming within a cocoon cocktail and emerging into the world as butterfly.

Spring, although a beautiful season, is not necessarily as easy one. All that oomph to manifest big changes needs to come from somewhere. And *gestures broadly at the world* that energy has been a little hard to find these days. So, in line with my work for the Momentum sigil, I’m cultivating my own oomph. This has stemmed into several project scribble lists and the challenge of saying yes. As an Earth sign, I tend to fall into comfortable rhythm with ease. I quickly become very grounded in routine so to shake things up and balance out a little, I say yes to challenging boundaries that no longer serve during this season. Taking the necessary time to shed what is no longer needed and pushing myself to try new things.

I hate Zoom calls with cameras but signed up for a poetry workshop with them anyway. It was WONDERFUL.
I’m working on adding more mediums to the site. Stepping into more digital forms of creation and expression which is not my specialty but I’m having so much fun designing and writing scripts that this challenge feels possible. I couldn’t say that a month ago.

I’m forcing myself to emerge, experience new things, and rid myself of useless boundaries that hold me back rather than propel me forward. Leaving the reflection and solitude of Winter behind and stepping into the exciting uncertainty of Spring and trusting that I know what I’m doing.

To close, I wanted to share some Tarot art that I made to aid in this work. As of now, we are about mid-Taurus season which is the zodiac home of the Hierophant. An authority who attempts to hold grip over others using tradition, institution, and expectations. This card is also a calling to find faith in yourself and becoming your own authority. In the collage piece I symbolize my power, seizing yes, and to not be silent.

When the Earth, the Tarot, and Spring ask you to grow in these coming months, what blooms for you? What are you being called to pursue and challenge for yourself?

Happy growing.