Witchcraft Winter Pathwork Planning, Art Share, and Resources

Witchcraft Winter Pathwork Planning, Art Share, and Resources

Mel on Nov 24th 2021

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, Fall is quickly turning into Winter and you can really feel it in in the cold,crisp air. With this shift, we’re approaching a time of rest, review, and renew in my Witch work. A time where I slow down and go over all my art, study notes, divination records, and my books list from the year so far. I acknowledge where I have grown and what needs more focus through the Winter season.

I have been doing this more in-depth diary/records keeping and review for the last few years and it truly helps guide my practice and path in a more solid direction. This year I picked up a wonderful resource to aid in this process that I wanted to share with you, Jamie Ridler Studio Yearbooks. At each seasonal shift, Jamie provides a Yearbook record/journal with room to fit all my notes across the above-mentioned topics, space for Full Moon collage work, and more. I cannot recommend the Studio Yearbook enough and it has brought so much more organization to my usual, multi-notebook approach.

It is from these Yearbooks that I wanted to share the following Collage Clips collection. These are collage clippings taken totally out of context from my magazine cut and paste Moon collage Art Witch work. I found them during my review process, truly loved them and wanted to share.

May Winter speak what you need, and may you hear.
